Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A relative of one of our team members asked if we would check out the place he works at. Because of the things he's heard, he's nervous to be alone in the building. Being afraid of something you can't see or fight is really tough on a person, so we agreed to see what we could find.

History: The location is an icon of the area, and has been around for 91 years. The building burned once during the 1990's.
Time: About one hour for our investigation
Day of: Friday, May 7
Tools: Digital still camera, digital recorder, and since the lights will be on we'll try some video.
Claims: The sound of pots clanging and falling but everything is in place; voices just quiet enough that words cannot be distinguished.

We're all pretty excited! We also got a new camera cord, so when Chansys has time she'll put up some new photos. I'll update after the investigation and decide if the location is haunted or not.

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