Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ghouls Night Out Paranormal Investigation
Orsi’s Italian Bakery
May 7, 2010


The GNO-PI team gathered evidence at Orsi’s for roughly an hour the night of Friday, May 7, 2010. About one hour was also spent reviewing the evidence. We used: a digital still camera, a digital recorder, digital camera with video capability, and a tri-pod.

During the investigation we heard strange sounds, and felt weird things. Normally our investigations are very visual, but we relied chiefly on audio for this one. We did take a few photos. We were able to try a short video for the first time ever since we were not able to go lights-out. The first thing we did was set up the video-recording camera on the tri-pod and hit ‘record.’ Then we went to do an EVP session in a different room. In hindsight, we should have introduced ourselves, explained what we wanted, and explained how the equipment worked. After so many sessions in the cemetery with spirits we are familiar with, we were used to jumping right in. We did three EVP sessions, then went into the back room to check the video camera and investigate there.


A train and relatives interrupted the first EVP session; there are a few interesting noises that we would love to explore in a second investigation, but we don’t feel comfortable sharing them because of the contamination. In the second there is an odd bang after an investigator asked for a sign that anyone was present. It’s interesting, but could be a well-timed coincidence since there is nothing else to confirm it as communication, and at this time we do not consider it evidence. In the last EVP session, we seem to have gotten the most activity. Sound clips will be up after we discuss them further. The video showed nothing of interest.


In the back room, where we had the most audio evidence, we also had battery drain. Was something powering-up to reveal itself? Sheila’s camera died after a 2 minute 23 second video, Chansys’ freshly charged camera died and would not turn back on for several minutes, and Veronica’s camera died about the same time Chany’s did. We don’t count this as evidence, but it’s something to add to the list of “Interesting,” and is something to consider. We were all also feeling kind of strange in the back room at some point during the investigation.


For now, we can’t definitely say that the location is haunted. It does seem to have paranormal activity, because we captured some things we cannot explain. We hope to capture more when we return and get a step closer to understanding what is going on at Orsi’s Italian Bakery. (Yeah, we were invited back!)

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