Thursday, September 8, 2011

first time long time

this is the first time in a long time that I (being chansys) have done some new recordings in the cemetary. ive been doing them late at night and i do believe that i may have some wonderful feedback. i want to get sheila to go over the footage and tell me if i caught anything so i should have some new interesting things up here in the next few days. *(cross your fingers)* i would love to get some new veiwers on here so all means i will make people check out our site =]

thank you to all that do pay attention and keep up with us.i know it has been awhile since the GNO crew has done anything but i would like to get back into finding new and interesting things for all my veiwers. give me a few days to talk sheila into it and we should be back on the prowl soon.

thanks all -chansys

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