Friday, November 26, 2010

Srs Bsns

Ghost hunting is "srs bsns."

Ghost hunting is indeed serious business. Since the moment paranormal investigation popped into the public eye, pounced into pop culture, paraded onto television, people have seen it as a money-making scheme. Whether it be faking evidence (I'm looking at you, TAPS) or charging ridiculous prices for paranormal conventions/conferences, people have been taking advantage of our need to believe in an afterlife and capitalizing on it.
I am not declaring disbelief in the paranormal, nor am I repenting time spent trying to learn what happens after death. I still strongly believe that we have much to learn about death, and about life for that matter. We don't even know what animates all living things, what makes us alive! You can have a perfectly healthy corpse, but you cannot bring it to life, so SOMETHING must be missing. What is it? Does a soul just disappear when the body dies? Is it recycled into the samsara cycle? But I digress.

What this is really about, is not knowing who to trust. You obviously can't trust the teams on TV, no matter who it is. No not even the lovely Ghost Adventure crew. Not Paranormal State (the Penn State kids), not the fake psychic exploiting misunderstood children, not Jason and Grant and the other Ghost Hunters... and why? Because they're making money from this, if not from doing the cases then from appearing on television. While it probably started with wanting to know the truth and collect real proof and help people, all of them are making SOMETHING. And if you start to have a lot of cases with no evidence to put on TV, well who knows if you'll get canceled? It's still television.
Shame on the people who take advantage of believers. And I hope the rest of you continue to enjoy shows like Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal State, but I hope you open your eyes and take their "evidence" cum grano salis (with a grain of salt.)


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