Friday, June 11, 2010

Oakland Cemetery and the Black Angel

The four of us (Veronica, Sheila, Katelyn, and Chansys) went on a trip to Oakland Cemetery and the Black Angel, in Iowa. (Oakland closes at 10pm and that's when we left. Trespassing is bad.)
It was very peaceful, a little too peaceful actually. We captured.. nothing. After hearing tales of the Black Angel for most of our lives, we expected to find SOMETHING we couldn't explain.. people come from miles to see the Angel, and there must be a reason for all of the stories, right?
We had three digital cameras and a recorder. To find nothing of interest was very disappointing. We did find a monument for William Kinsman, way in the back. It was cool. There were canons and very nice lines for photography. Speaking of photography, we did take the opportunity to get some shots of the Angel. We probably won't be going back for a while.
If you go, wear bugspray.

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