Thursday, September 8, 2011

first time long time

this is the first time in a long time that I (being chansys) have done some new recordings in the cemetary. ive been doing them late at night and i do believe that i may have some wonderful feedback. i want to get sheila to go over the footage and tell me if i caught anything so i should have some new interesting things up here in the next few days. *(cross your fingers)* i would love to get some new veiwers on here so all means i will make people check out our site =]

thank you to all that do pay attention and keep up with us.i know it has been awhile since the GNO crew has done anything but i would like to get back into finding new and interesting things for all my veiwers. give me a few days to talk sheila into it and we should be back on the prowl soon.

thanks all -chansys

Friday, November 26, 2010

Srs Bsns

Ghost hunting is "srs bsns."

Ghost hunting is indeed serious business. Since the moment paranormal investigation popped into the public eye, pounced into pop culture, paraded onto television, people have seen it as a money-making scheme. Whether it be faking evidence (I'm looking at you, TAPS) or charging ridiculous prices for paranormal conventions/conferences, people have been taking advantage of our need to believe in an afterlife and capitalizing on it.
I am not declaring disbelief in the paranormal, nor am I repenting time spent trying to learn what happens after death. I still strongly believe that we have much to learn about death, and about life for that matter. We don't even know what animates all living things, what makes us alive! You can have a perfectly healthy corpse, but you cannot bring it to life, so SOMETHING must be missing. What is it? Does a soul just disappear when the body dies? Is it recycled into the samsara cycle? But I digress.

What this is really about, is not knowing who to trust. You obviously can't trust the teams on TV, no matter who it is. No not even the lovely Ghost Adventure crew. Not Paranormal State (the Penn State kids), not the fake psychic exploiting misunderstood children, not Jason and Grant and the other Ghost Hunters... and why? Because they're making money from this, if not from doing the cases then from appearing on television. While it probably started with wanting to know the truth and collect real proof and help people, all of them are making SOMETHING. And if you start to have a lot of cases with no evidence to put on TV, well who knows if you'll get canceled? It's still television.
Shame on the people who take advantage of believers. And I hope the rest of you continue to enjoy shows like Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal State, but I hope you open your eyes and take their "evidence" cum grano salis (with a grain of salt.)


Friday, June 11, 2010

Oakland Cemetery and the Black Angel

The four of us (Veronica, Sheila, Katelyn, and Chansys) went on a trip to Oakland Cemetery and the Black Angel, in Iowa. (Oakland closes at 10pm and that's when we left. Trespassing is bad.)
It was very peaceful, a little too peaceful actually. We captured.. nothing. After hearing tales of the Black Angel for most of our lives, we expected to find SOMETHING we couldn't explain.. people come from miles to see the Angel, and there must be a reason for all of the stories, right?
We had three digital cameras and a recorder. To find nothing of interest was very disappointing. We did find a monument for William Kinsman, way in the back. It was cool. There were canons and very nice lines for photography. Speaking of photography, we did take the opportunity to get some shots of the Angel. We probably won't be going back for a while.
If you go, wear bugspray.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ghouls Night Out Paranormal Investigation
Orsi’s Italian Bakery
May 7, 2010


The GNO-PI team gathered evidence at Orsi’s for roughly an hour the night of Friday, May 7, 2010. About one hour was also spent reviewing the evidence. We used: a digital still camera, a digital recorder, digital camera with video capability, and a tri-pod.

During the investigation we heard strange sounds, and felt weird things. Normally our investigations are very visual, but we relied chiefly on audio for this one. We did take a few photos. We were able to try a short video for the first time ever since we were not able to go lights-out. The first thing we did was set up the video-recording camera on the tri-pod and hit ‘record.’ Then we went to do an EVP session in a different room. In hindsight, we should have introduced ourselves, explained what we wanted, and explained how the equipment worked. After so many sessions in the cemetery with spirits we are familiar with, we were used to jumping right in. We did three EVP sessions, then went into the back room to check the video camera and investigate there.


A train and relatives interrupted the first EVP session; there are a few interesting noises that we would love to explore in a second investigation, but we don’t feel comfortable sharing them because of the contamination. In the second there is an odd bang after an investigator asked for a sign that anyone was present. It’s interesting, but could be a well-timed coincidence since there is nothing else to confirm it as communication, and at this time we do not consider it evidence. In the last EVP session, we seem to have gotten the most activity. Sound clips will be up after we discuss them further. The video showed nothing of interest.


In the back room, where we had the most audio evidence, we also had battery drain. Was something powering-up to reveal itself? Sheila’s camera died after a 2 minute 23 second video, Chansys’ freshly charged camera died and would not turn back on for several minutes, and Veronica’s camera died about the same time Chany’s did. We don’t count this as evidence, but it’s something to add to the list of “Interesting,” and is something to consider. We were all also feeling kind of strange in the back room at some point during the investigation.


For now, we can’t definitely say that the location is haunted. It does seem to have paranormal activity, because we captured some things we cannot explain. We hope to capture more when we return and get a step closer to understanding what is going on at Orsi’s Italian Bakery. (Yeah, we were invited back!)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


A relative of one of our team members asked if we would check out the place he works at. Because of the things he's heard, he's nervous to be alone in the building. Being afraid of something you can't see or fight is really tough on a person, so we agreed to see what we could find.

History: The location is an icon of the area, and has been around for 91 years. The building burned once during the 1990's.
Time: About one hour for our investigation
Day of: Friday, May 7
Tools: Digital still camera, digital recorder, and since the lights will be on we'll try some video.
Claims: The sound of pots clanging and falling but everything is in place; voices just quiet enough that words cannot be distinguished.

We're all pretty excited! We also got a new camera cord, so when Chansys has time she'll put up some new photos. I'll update after the investigation and decide if the location is haunted or not.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


We are an amateur all-female paranormal investigation team. We thought it would be fun to go to the cemetery to take some pictures and hang out, and then things we couldn't explain started showing up.
Chansys bought a cheap recorder (which works really well, it picks up so much more than we had anticipated) and we started using that as well. As you can see from our audio page [], we've been busy! Our Spring Break was used for as much "hunting" as we could fit in.
We are still transferring all of our information and evidence to this blog. We want our site to be as informative as possible for everyone else interested in the paranormal, so we are also working on our definitions page []. We are also very interested in the Ectoplasmic Mist phenomenon, as it has shown up in a few photos of ours. Our evidence of Ectomist can be found here [].

Three members have the password to this blog, so we will all be accessing it and adding to it. You can learn more about the members on our Members page []

If there are any questions, feel free to comment here or email us at
